Saturday, February 21, 2009


written and illustrated by Sam Lloyd.


  1. My classes enjoyed hearing this story-especially the way the text made me read it. They also made the connection to the book -Jennifer Jones Won't Leave me Alone-both stories main characters didn't know what they had until it was gone. Don't we all need someone who cares for us?

  2. Alicia 1st grade Ms. FeinmanMarch 30, 2009 at 6:36 AM

    Sam lloyd wrote this story to show to care
    for your family so you will not be alone.

  3. Shelby 1st Grade Ms. FeinmanMarch 30, 2009 at 6:37 AM

    Sam lloyd wrote this story to show to care for your family.So you will not be alone.

  4. Ja'Miyah 1st Grade Ms. FeinmanMarch 30, 2009 at 7:04 AM

    sam lloyd wrot this story to show you to love your family and say withy your family.

  5. KaTrina 1st Grade Ms. FeinmanMarch 30, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    Sam Lloyd wrote this story to show us how to love your family and take care of your family.

  6. Isaiah 1st grade Ms. FeinmanMarch 30, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    Sam Lloyd wrote this story to show stay whit your familiy.Because you saw what happ;end.

  7. Patrick 1`st Grade Ms. FeinmanMarch 30, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    sam loy wrotethis sooy to show us to say wifor famey cus.u
    day tay gud cir on you. day love you sso muc.

  8. The book Mr. Pusskins was written by Sam Lloyd.
    He tought me that you will never miss any thing
    until it's gone.

  9. Sam Lloyd wrote this story so you will not be alone.He also wrote this story so people can love your family and not leave them.

  10. This is about mr. Pusskins he learned a lesson. His lesson was don't walk away from people who love him or they will walk away from him.

  11. Jimmy in Mrs.weaver4gradeclassMay 6, 2009 at 7:01 AM

    Mr.Puskan's had joined a gang and he thought it was fun until it started pouring down rain and his friend's weren't so nice and he missed Emily.

  12. Deon Ms.weavers 4grade clasMay 6, 2009 at 7:02 AM

    He learned his leasin not to walk away on someone . And now you are going to mess thim.

  13. JORDAN in Mrs.Weaver 4gread classMay 6, 2009 at 7:04 AM

    MR.Pusskins learned a good lesson so, don't go
    away because love is were you are.

  14. Tamaya in Mrs.weaver classMay 6, 2009 at 7:04 AM

    Mr.Pusskins leared his lesson from runing away from home because he was not loved out in the wourld.For now on he is never going to run away from home agian.

  15. Gerron.Mrs.Weaver4greadclassMay 6, 2009 at 7:05 AM

    The book name Mr. Pusskin is a good book. Ilike the cat gan.I like when she past the cat too.

  16. Beonca/Skittles THE GREAT!!May 6, 2009 at 7:05 AM

    Mr. Pusskins:A love story is so sweet because Emily was like oh Mr .Pusskins I love you and she brushed his fur and read him bedtime books and mean old Mr. Pusskins didn't care about Emily's blabbilty blabilkty bloob and one night Mr.pusskins ran awway and he joined the caticat gang and didn't care that he was a pesky cat and then his mean pesky cat friends weren't so friendly and then he saw a lost sign then hecall and Emily found him and she kissed him and married him o,k, so I went tyo far but anyways he appreciated her and my friends named PACKMAN;) the moral is LOVE YOUR OWNERS AND TALK TO MY FRIEND EMILY BECAUSE SHE WAS IN THE STORY AND SHE CAN TELL YOU ALL ABOUT LOVE!!!!!

  17. Megan 4th grade Mrs.Weaver ClassMay 6, 2009 at 7:06 AM

    Ms.Pusskins is a bored cat.One day while he was in his bed he decided he was going to leave so he left and made friends with the pesky cat gang They had lots of fun. But soon after everything they did was getting old. One day it started raining and his friends were getting mean. He felt very lonely so he decided to call his owner emily. Emily picked up the phone hurried over therd. And he finnaly learned that he was loved and that he can not live without emily

  18. Gabriel 4th grade MRS.WeaverMay 6, 2009 at 7:07 AM

    Mr. pusskins learned that he couldn't be loved without Emily.HE left and realized he needed Emily because the cats were mean to him.

  19. Deja Mrs.Weaver classMay 6, 2009 at 7:07 AM

    Mr.Pusskins lesson he learned was that he really liked Emily, and what she did for him. He realized he had a home to sleep in,play in, and have somewhere to go when it rains.

  20. Mr.puskins learned that he should listen to his owner,emily or else he would need help and that he would end up in deep trouble. Mr.puskins also learned that when you join a gang you can still end up in a lot of trouble because that is what a gang is like, getting in alot of trouble.



  21. kevin Mrs. weaver' s classMay 6, 2009 at 7:09 AM

    Mr.Pusskins is a story of a cat that leaves his family. He gets sad because he does not realize that he has what any cat can wish for. After that he finds his family and lives happily ever after.

  22. angel from mrs breen classSeptember 10, 2009 at 11:03 AM

    i like the part the cat when he melow it was funny.
